1 module dc;
3 import std.algorithm.comparison : predSwitch;
4 import std.conv : to;
5 import std.string : strip;
7 /// https://dlang.org/blog/2017/02/13/a-new-import-idiom/
8 template from(alias name) {
9 	mixin("import from = " ~ name ~ ";");
10 }
12 unittest {
13 	static assert(__traits(compiles, from!"std".writeln()));
14 	static assert(__traits(compiles, from!"std.stdio".readln()));
15 }
17 /// Enum that contains compile date in YYYYMMDD format
18 enum compileDate =
19 	__DATE__[7 .. $].to!int * 10000
20 	+ __DATE__[0 .. 3].predSwitch(
21 		"Jan", 1,
22 		"Feb", 2,
23 		"Mar", 3,
24 		"Apr", 4,
25 		"May", 5,
26 		"Jun", 6,
27 		"Jul", 7,
28 		"Aug", 8,
29 		"Sep", 9,
30 		"Oct", 10,
31 		"Nov", 11,
32 		"Dec", 12
33 	) * 100
34 	+ __DATE__[4 .. 6].strip.to!int;
36 unittest {
37 	import std.math : log10;
38 	static assert(cast(int) log10(compileDate) == 7, "Date \"" ~ compileDate.to!string ~ "\" isn't 8 numbers long");
39 	enum month = compileDate / 100 % 100;
40 	static assert(month >= 1 && month <= 12, "Invalid month: " ~ month.to!string);
41 	enum day = compileDate % 100;
42 	static assert(day >= 1 && day <= 31, "Invalid day: " ~ day.to!string);
43 }
45 /// Template that calls `static assert` if compile date is past of what was passed as an argument. Go figure out what to do with that.
46 template bestBefore(int deprecatedStamp) {
47 	static assert(compileDate < deprecatedStamp);
48 }
50 unittest {
51 	static assert(__traits(compiles, {
52 		@bestBefore!99991231
53 		struct A { }
54 	}));
55 	static assert(!__traits(compiles, {
56 		@bestBefore!19700101
57 		struct A { }
58 	}));
59 }
61 /++
62 $(P Struct that provides following things:)
63 1. RAII wrapper above handle type
64 2. Mechanism that strips prefix from names of functions in given module. Those functions are available through `opDispatch`-based mechanism.
66 Params:
67 	module_		= module with functions from which given prefix should be stripped
68 	prefix		= prefix that should be stripped from names of functions
69 	constructor	= a function that creates a handle. Note: constructor must take at least one non-optional argument
70 	destructor	= function that gets called when struct gets destroyed. Mustn't take any arguments
72 Examples:
73 ---
74 import etc.c.curl;
75 alias Curl = CWrap!(etc.c.curl, "curl_easy_", (int _) => curl_easy_init(), curl_easy_cleanup);
76 auto c = Curl(0);
77 c.setopt(CurlOption.url, "https://dlang.org");
78 c.perform();
79 ---
80 +/
81 struct CWrap(alias module_, string prefix, alias constructor, alias destructor) {
82 	import std.traits : Parameters, ReturnType;
84 	ReturnType!constructor handle;
85 	alias handle this;
87 	@disable this();
88 	@disable this(ref typeof(this));
89 	this(Parameters!constructor args) {
90 		handle = constructor(args);
91 	}
93 	~this() {
94 		destructor(handle);
95 	}
97 	template opDispatch(string f) {
98 		alias fun = __traits(getMember, module_, prefix ~ f);
99 		alias returnType = ReturnType!fun;
100 		returnType opDispatch(Args...)(Args args) {
101 			static if(is(returnType == void)) {
102 				fun(handle, args);
103 			} else {
104 				return fun(handle, args);
105 			}
106 		}
107 	}
108 }
110 unittest {
111 	bool didDestroy = false;
112 	struct Foo_ {
113 		int a;
114 	}
115 	Foo_* foo_new(int a) {
116 		return new Foo_(a);
117 	}
118 	void foo_del(Foo_* h) @trusted {
119 		h.a = 0;
120 		from!"core.memory".GC.free(h);
121 		didDestroy = true;
122 	}
123 	int foo_get_a(Foo_* h) {
124 		return h.a;
125 	}
126 	void foo_set_a(Foo_* h, int a) {
127 		h.a = a;
128 	}
129 	struct mod {
130 		alias foo__new = foo_new;
131 		alias foo__del = foo_del;
132 		alias foo__get_a = foo_get_a;
133 		alias foo__set_a = foo_set_a;
134 	}
135 	alias Foo = CWrap!(mod, "foo__", foo_new, foo_del);
136 	{
137 		auto foo = Foo(3);
138 		assert(foo.get_a == 3);
139 		foo.set_a(4);
140 		assert(foo.get_a == 4);
141 	}
142 	assert(didDestroy);
143 }
145 /++
146 A copy of std::tie from C++.
147 TODO: write proper documentation for this
148 Examples:
149 ---
150 int a;
151 string b;
152 unwrap(a, b) = tuple(3, "hi");
153 assert(a == 3 && b == hi);
154 ---
155 +/
156 auto unwrap(T...)(out T args) {
157 	struct UnwrapImpl {
158 		void opAssign(U)(U tuple) if(U.length == T.length) {
159 			static foreach(i; 0 .. U.length) {
160 				args[i] = tuple[i];
161 			}
162 		}
163 	}
165 	return UnwrapImpl();
166 }
168 unittest {
169 	int a;
170 	string b;
171 	double[] c;
172 	unwrap(a, b, c) = from!"std.typecons".tuple(1, "b", [1.0, 4.3]);
173 	assert(a == 1);
174 	assert(b == "b");
175 	assert(c == [1.0, 4.3]);
176 }
178 /++
179 Template that generates sort of infix functions.
180 To use generated function, surround it with any of overloadable binary operators.
182 adr thinks this is disgusting.
184 Params:
185 	fun	= function that takes two arguments, lhs and rhs respectively
187 Examples:
188 ---
189 enum w = Infix!((a, b) => a + b);
190 enum map = Infix!((a, b) => from!"std".map!(a => a.b)(a));
191 assert(2 ~w~ 3 == 5);
192 assert([1, 2, 3] <<map>> ((int a) => a * a));
193 ---
194 +/
195 template Infix(alias fun) {
196 	struct Impl {
197 		auto opBinaryRight(string op, T)(T lhs) {
198 			struct Other {
199 				auto opBinary(string other, U)(U rhs) {
200 					return fun(lhs, rhs);
201 				}
202 			}
203 			return Other();
204 		}
205 	}
206 	enum Infix = Impl();
207 }
209 unittest {
210 	import std : array, stdMap = map;
211 	enum w = Infix!((a, b) => a + b);
212 	enum map = Infix!((a, b) => (a.stdMap!(a => b(a)).array));
213 	assert(2 ~w~ 3 == 5);
214 	assert([1, 2, 3] <<map>> ((int a) => a * a) == [1, 4, 9]);
215 }